It's heating up in Austin, as spring has inevitably arrived. That means not only are flowers in bloom, trees and vegetation are lush, but the insects have awakened!
The most bothersome for me are the mosquitoes outside and fruit flies inside. I brought home my groceries last week, which includes lots of fresh fruit that I store on my counter on a fruit plate. Then within a few hours, just before my friends arrived for our book club meeting, fruit flies began crowding the airspace in my kitchen.
By the next day I had a full invasion. Time to break out my covers and make some traps. Having experienced these critters before, I was prepared.
The most bothersome for me are the mosquitoes outside and fruit flies inside. I brought home my groceries last week, which includes lots of fresh fruit that I store on my counter on a fruit plate. Then within a few hours, just before my friends arrived for our book club meeting, fruit flies began crowding the airspace in my kitchen.
By the next day I had a full invasion. Time to break out my covers and make some traps. Having experienced these critters before, I was prepared.

A few years ago I made a draw string cover for my fruit plates so as to avoid putting fruit in the fridge, which depletes some of nutrients. I also have a couple of recipes for potions that lure and catch them. Here are my suggestions. If you have any other recipes for this problem please let me know!

Trap #1: In a small container, place 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp liquid dish soap gently stir try not to create bubbles. Place on a counter in the kitchen.

Trap #2: In a small container, place 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar. Cover the jar with foil or plastic and secure with a rubber band. Next, pierce tiny holes in the surface, just large enough for the flies to enter. They can get in, but they can't get out.