Our body is a balance of acid and alkaline. On a pH test, the ideal number is 6.8-7.2. Unfortunately, our most popular foods are mostly acid forming, resulting in a lower number on a pH test. The most acid causing foods are meat, grains, nuts, legumes, caffeine alcohol, and sugar. The alkaline forming foods, you guessed it, are fruits and vegetables, with a few exceptions in the usually acidic seed and nut groups. It has been well documented that a body is much healthier if it is more alkaline than acid. That is why we hear over and over to eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s just one of those fundamental principles we can not escape. Studies have shown that cancer cells and bacteria thrive in an acidic (anaerobic) environment and not in an alkaline (aerobic) one. My goal is to help you discover how to make that move into balance through simple menu changes. There are many charts available on line that will outline the amount of acid and alkaline in the most popular foods. If you want to learn about specific details, I have included a few links.